20/09/22. Hosted by Elin Jones AS/MS, The comprehensive ‘Review of One Planet Development in Wales 2010-2021’ launched today at the Senedd (Welsh Parliament).
This wide-ranging review looks at how OPDs are helping to achieve the 7 well-being goals for Wales, including healthy and resilient communities, a thriving Welsh language, and innovative low carbon businesses.
The bilingual report identifies the key successes and challenges of this groundbreaking Welsh planning policy and makes recommendations for future improvement.

Pictured left to right: Sioned Haf (OPD Practitioner), Dr Erica Vernon (One Planet Council / OPD Practitioner), Jane Davidson (Review Chair)
The review report is authored by the One Planet Council using data collected from 95% of current OPD sites. Cymraeg and English language versions are available to download below. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA License. To enquire about a printed and bound copy Contact the One Planet Council