Resources for Applicants


Applicants who are considering undertaking an OPD project are advised to thoroughly research their ideas and plans prior to seeking land and/or submitting an application.

It is very useful to visit existing OPD projects. There are a wide range of courses on low-impact living available, as well as volunteer opportunities.

The planning application process for OPD projects is lengthy (anything between 6 and 24 months, depending on how pro-active applicants are and whether the application goes to appeal), and requires a high level of well-considered documentation and research. The One Planet Council exists to support applicants (as well as planners) through this planning process.

The reality of establishing a one-planet smallholding within a 5 year period (as required by the policy) is a big undertaking requiring considerable labour, financial and human resources.

It is important for applicants to prepare for the OPD journey in a thorough, pragmatic and realistic manner.